hat.drivers.tpkt - Transport Service on top of TCP

Implementation of TPKT based on asyncio.

Data = typing.Union[bytes, bytearray, memoryview]

class Address(typing.NamedTuple):
    host: str
    port: int = 102

class ConnectionInfo(typing.NamedTuple):
    local_addr: Address
    remote_addr: Address

ConnectionCb = aio.AsyncCallable[['Connection'], None]

async def connect(addr: Address) -> 'Connection': ...

async def listen(connection_cb: ConnectionCb,
                 addr: Address = Address('', 102)
                 ) -> 'Server': ...

class Server(aio.Resource):

    def async_group(self) -> aio.Group: ...

    def addresses(self) -> typing.List[Address]: ...

class Connection(aio.Resource):

    def async_group(self) -> aio.Group: ...

    def info(self) -> ConnectionInfo: ...

    async def read(self) -> Data: ...

    def write(self, data: Data): ...

Example usage:

conn1_future = asyncio.Future()
srv = await tpkt.listen(conn1_future.set_result, addr)
conn2 = await tpkt.connect(addr)
conn1 = await conn1_future

write_data = b'12345'
read_data = await conn2.read()
assert write_data == read_data

await conn1.async_close()
await conn2.async_close()
await srv.async_close()


API reference is available as part of generated documentation: